I have only gone thru about 4dz of the shafts I am shooting now, and while they still show stiffer than marked, every shaft from 3 different sources has been within 10/1000ths of an inch of each other.
#Arrow spine chart series
If you had to pick one arrow to last the rest of your life, a Hunter series would be it. To get arrows with the correct spine for your bow, you first need to know your exact draw length and the weight that you are pulling from your bow.
#Arrow spine chart pro
400spine by GT!!!! By using the spine tester with the GT's, I eliminated the "flyers" before they made it into my quiver. The Gold Tip Hunter Pro is based on the most versatile arrow ever made, the original that put Gold Tip on the map. Step 3: Find the correct group number in the shaft selection chart. Step 2: Determine the length of your arrow by measuring from the throat of the nock to the end of the insert. Step 1: Find your draw and point weight in the chart. Whether youre a hunter or an archer, having the right arrow affects whether you hit the. Point Weight The total combined weight of point, insert, Ballistic Collar and FACT weight. 350-.380 range I would occasionally get a shaft in the. Gold Tip Hunter Pro Review + FREE Arrow Spine Chart Shooting Bow. just about every large manufacturer produces calculators and charts. I would still have to throw a shaft away every now and then because instead of the normal. This stiffness, called the arrow spine, is crucial in the flight of your arrow and. I started running all my shafts thru the spine tester and grouping them in 10/1000ths of an inch groups. This will send your information to the next screen that which we will be using, the My Setup page.

Then I got the spine tester, and my eyes were opened. After finding your bow, arrow shaft, fletching choice and nock choice, be sure to click apply in each category’s frame. Every once in a while I would get an arrow that would fly so cockeyed that I would just have to throw it away. Double check your results with the chart below.

Examples, if arrow length is 28.25 round down to 28. When I first started shooting the GT's, I did not have a spine tester. Draw Weight Arrow Cut Length Note: For fractional arrow lengths, round up or down to the closest column. In fact, there are some that are so far off, it is rediculous! For what they cost, the quality control should be better, IMHO! The issue I have with them is that they are not tightly spine matched. I have shot a gazillion critters and won a bunch of shoots with them.